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What is Keyword Advertising and how it works

Keyword Advertising means the ability to purchase, within search engines, some visibility spaces (sponsored links or sponsored boxes) for which you pay based on the number of entries to your website obtained through this presence. This methodology allows you to quickly reach high visibility in search engines. You only pay if and when someone clicks on their sponsored links to visit the website (pay per click), you never pay for the simple views (impressions) which are totally free: you are therefore sure of the result for the pre-established budget. Keyword advertising or pay per click advertising (PPC) refers to paid advertising on search engines: the advertiser only pays for access to the site that arrives through the display of sponsored links on the main engines and their partner sites. Therefore, the publication of the campaign on search networks does not involve any fixed cost for the company being promoted, all advertising spending depends exclusively on the activity carried out by users who, following a keyword search, click on the ad. Every effective and pervasive promotion campaign in search engines must foresee, internally, a share of the budget destined for keyword advertising. This tool, combined with the optimization and positioning of the web pages, guarantees an overall optimal result.

Keyword Advertising is today the main advertising tool on the internet not only in search engines but also to develop visibility and communication campaigns on content portals and for local promotion. If your company does not invest in keyword advertising yet, you should start doing so immediately, keyword advertising allows you to convey your commercial and advertising ads directly to a target audience. It is very important to properly manage a Keyword Advertising campaign as if poorly configured it can bring many users to your website (spending a lot), but few customers. On the contrary, professional management of a keyword advertising campaign will bring many customers (or users who do “objective actions” in your website such as form compilation, online order, purchase, information request) spending only what you need! At Insight Agency we take care of the complete management of the keyword advertising campaign: we design, optimize and manage effective Keyword Advertising campaigns for our customers with the study of competitive positioning and benchmark analysis, Keyword analysis and text implementation, implementation of advertising strategy and subsequent optimization/ update, analysis of ROI.

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